It never fails. The perfectly planned and rehearsed lesson never works out JUST as you thought. For weeks you obsess about what to do. The lesson needs to have the perfect mix of teacher directed activity and group work with a bit of reflection on top! YES! I've got it! The perfect lesson that does just that! So you draft a lesson plan. Clear objectives, steps, potential obstacles, assessment, and reflection. How am I going to differentiate? How will I assist/support students as they work? How will I maintain peace and harmony with a somewhat difficult bunch? Obsess, obsess, obsess...
It's time. The children sit and wait to be directed. A calm washes over me. I'm ready and confident. An interruptive complaint, a whine, a grunt, a "She pushed me!," a "She pushed me first...." Then all HELL breaks loose. Those who are usually well-behaved have transformed into monsters. Why? How? I try to pull out all of my "teacher tricks" for management; positive reinforcement, modeling, peer-mentoring.....NOTHING IS WORKING! The goals that were set so idealistically, the reflective discussion you planned, down the proverbial toilet!
Teaching is like no other profession. We have to be master Ad Lib"bers." In most professions, how YOU feel, and how well planned YOU are drives your success. In our profession, our success is driven by the mood, behavior, and feelings of 20+ little peanuts!!!! Try that on for a day and walk in my shoes!
Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theatre.Gail Goldwin
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