Monday, February 9, 2015

A Teacher's Job

Everything we do as teachers is for our students. We spend August learning about them and preparing exciting lessons and events to stimulate learning and growth. We spend September watching them as they evolve; as they adjust; as they adapt to new surroundings; as they grow as learners. From then on  we teach, reinforce, support, model good behavior, and grow into a little family of our own. We eat together, we celebrate successes and work through rough times. We solidify our relationships and provide a safe and welcoming environment for our students. We praise them when they demonstrate goodness and we strategize with them when they need to make changes for the better. We watch what they eat for snack, making sure they eat healthily. We observe them at lunch and see that they eat their meal first and dessert last. For all intense and purposes we know our children COMPLETELY. We can predict reactions and nip problems in the bud. Every day we spend together, counting to 100, completing the daily calendar, learning to read, to write, to problem solve. We nurture those who don't feel well and make sure hands are washed and mouths are covered. We talk privately with our students about their feelings. We work together on peaceful communication and empathy. We apply band aids when boo-boos come our way,  and we check bathrooms when our students are away too long. We teach responsibility by making sure backpacks are emptied each day and refilled with important homework. We check and assess and assess and check, making sure our students are finding success and are meeting grade level expectations. And even when they aren't, we plan and differentiate to make sure our students' needs are met.  And while we are busy doing ALL of these things, we are teaching them. Some may say that teachers have it easy. Thoughts???

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