Thursday, December 31, 2015


Passages. Connections.  Easing your way. Moving forward. 2015 is closing for me with a bang! A resounding, HOORAY, as well as a solemn cry. The end of 2015 was bittersweet. So many young lives ended too soon. So many who lost battles that they'd been fighting for too long. At the same time, birth! New and beautiful lives passed into our world, breathing their first breath. Seeing the faces of those whose voices they had only heard. (#PMA) Miraculous.

Today we pass through the "proverbial tunnel" from 2015-2016. We cross the bridge into a new year. Grab the hands of those you love and walk with them. Live each day like there is no tomorrow. Dream big, and love too much. Give kisses and smile till it hurts. 

Tomorrow is for new beginnings. The slate is cleared. No room for "should haves or would haves." Use mistakes as stepping stones. Set new goals and strive to reach them. The first step is always the hardest. Step wisely, step firmly, step proudly. Like it's the first step you've ever taken. 

Welcome home, 2016!

Friday, December 11, 2015


Self reflection is an amazing thing. It forces us to stop and think. It forces us to stop and consider all that has occurred in the fast moving, whirlwind, we call LIFE. This life is funny, you know. When you least expect it, something wonderful happens, and when you're not looking, life changes. That has happened many times as I reflect back on 2015. As a parent, I've watched my 4 children face and conquer difficult trials and tribulations. I've watched as they reached new heights. I've heard them say, "hey world, this is me, take it or leave it!!!" Wow! As a parent all we want is for our children to be happy. I can safely say, for the most part, mine are.  As a wife, I grow and learn each day. My relationship with my husband is bubbling over with love and respect; it brings me to tears every single day. I pray that my children see what true love is and that they too can find it some day. I often wonder how I got so lucky in life. Somehow the moon and the stars were perfectly aligned and some higher power knew exactly what they were doing. It's not always easy, though. To be honest, easy would be boring. Easy would stunt growth and learning. So, I'm okay with the occasional struggle. As a teacher, I am truly satisfied. You could say that it's my calling in life. I still get jazzed about going to work after 25 years of teaching! I love the look on my student's faces when I introduce something new, or when I challenge their minds. I love overhearing their conversations and when they look up at me, with their curious eyes. They make me smile. Although it's not always perfume and roses, and there are those tough days, it's still good stuff.  You see, I've learned first hand, that when one is truly happy, it filters into all we do. That's why being happy is just so darned important!

So, as I reflect back on my 2015, I just smile. It's been gritty, it's been gruff, it's been shitty and it's been tough. But, 2015, I wouldn't trade ya' for anything! Thank you to my 3 J's & an A, my beloved GMB and my 3rd grade jewels.....2015 has been a trip!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

My BFF's

I was walking down the hallway with my students the other day, and it hit me, these kids are my best friends. In addition to spending most of my waking hours with them, I share my thoughts and feelings with them regularly. I teach them my math tricks, they teach me about Minecraft. I listen to their questions and  I offer support in every way. They've made me belly laugh, they've driven me crazy, they've brought me to tears (the happy and sad kind) and they've made me feel good about wearing crazy costumes. Some ask me questions, about my children, and my husband and my pets. Some tell me they like my outfit while others like my nails. I know what kinds of foods they like, and they know I love Wawa coffee. I can tell who needs more time to finish because they are feeling down. I know who needs more attention because mom's away on business. I know who needs more sleep because the Eagles played a late Sunday night game. We know this about each other. They know my bad days, and I know their's. My BFF's are a bunch of 8, 9, & 10 year olds. That's cool!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Wonderful Words

Words. Words speak. They communicate ideas. They describe. They teach. They tell. 
Words. What should I say? How should I tell him? How should I respond? How can I explain? Words. Powerful. Words. 

There's nothing more important than words and communication. Communication is the key to successful relationships. It is how we use our words. It is how we chose our words. It is what we start learning to do the minute we say our first words.  

As teachers, communication is what we do, all day, every day. We communicate new information; We communicate feelings; We communicate changes in our schedule; We communicate instructions; We use and model communication all day long.

Last week we started a writing unit on Poetry. Writing is communication. Poetry is communication. It is the ability to communicate our feelings about something or someone in a creative way. It is the ability to tell what we think about something; it is our stream of consciousness. 

I was happily surprised when we had a visit from a group of poets from Project Voice last week. These poets use spoken poetry to tell and teach. Their poetry tells the stories of their lives. How they feel, where they come from, where they've been. Their poetry teaches us that our words don't have to be pretty or flowery. They merely have to mean something. Our words must be carefully chosen. To describe something to someone or to help others to visualize a thought or a dream. To ensure understanding. 

Words. Words speak. They communicate ideas. They describe. They tell.

Words. Magical. Mystical. Powerful. Integral. Words. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Haven't written in a long, long while

Happy School Year 2015-2016! It has been a long time and I have been itching to get writing again.

I've transitioned back into the classroom from being a specialist for the last 5 years. It's been a whirlwind I must say. Although this is my 24th year of teaching, It feels like my first. Things have surely changed in just 5 short years. With that being said, it has been a great ride thus far. Much has changed, but the familiar feelings of being in charge of the lives of 15 little people remain the same. I had forgotten about the deep connections made with our students. The feeling that every move you make and every word you speak, impacts their little lives. The feeling that you don't ever want them to be sad or hurt or down. The feeling that they are your seedlings and it is your responsibility and duty to water and nurture them into full bloom. This feeling is intense.

I spend countless hours thinking and planning out interesting and exciting ways to teach my seedlings. Upon discovery, I rehearse meaningful "hooks." How can I grab them and sustain their interest? Definitely not an easy task!!! When it happens, it's magical. When I've miscalculated it's okay, too. See, my seedlings understand that I always give it my best, and I don't always get it right.  They know this is what I expect from them. This mutual understanding works very well. Someone once said, "There's no need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections." It's okay to say, "oops, that didn't work!"

I urge anyone reading this to feel the ease I do, knowing we are by no means perfect. We are merely hardworking people trying to make a difference. Mistakes, imperfections, the not so perfect lesson, make me who I am today. And, I'm pretty sure that is acceptable to my perfect seedlings!

Friday, April 17, 2015

It's been too long....

For Iris,

A friend reminded me that I haven't written a blog in a while. Life just got away with me. There are times in our lives when we just cannot make the time to do things for ourselves because we are too busy doing for others. That's been my life in a nutshell for the last 2 months. Coming to school each day has served as an escape. Seeing the smiles and hearing the voices of curiosity scurrying through hallways and in and out of classrooms has been seemingly soothing. Oddly enough. That's when you know you are living the dream. It may not be perfect, but it's where you belong. I know this is my field. I know this is what I'm good at. And, I know that I am always ready for new challenges if these challenges are going to enrich the lives of my students. By students, I mean, any age learners. Students can be plopped on a carpet square in a kindergarten class, and students can be lined up in rows behind me as I teach my next Zumba routine. Teaching and learning, learning and growing. This is my thing! Teachers, I challenge you to reflect on where you are in your careers. How do you feel when you get to school each day. Are you satisfied? Are you at peace? Are you struggling to find your place? Are there things you'd like to change? Is change possible? Are your students growing and learning before your eyes? These are the things I often ponder. It's exhausting to change, but at the same time, it's exhausting to stay the same. To get stuck in a rut. So as you move through your day today, think about where you are, and what you do. Think about what you'd like to be different and what you'd like to stay the same. I know for me, self reflection is extremely satisfying. It can be "icky" and unsettling, but in the end it's worth it. Inspire. Lead. Teach.

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.

-William A. Ward 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015