Happy School Year 2015-2016! It has been a long time and I have been itching to get writing again.
I've transitioned back into the classroom from being a specialist for the last 5 years. It's been a whirlwind I must say. Although this is my 24th year of teaching, It feels like my first. Things have surely changed in just 5 short years. With that being said, it has been a great ride thus far. Much has changed, but the familiar feelings of being in charge of the lives of 15 little people remain the same. I had forgotten about the deep connections made with our students. The feeling that every move you make and every word you speak, impacts their little lives. The feeling that you don't ever want them to be sad or hurt or down. The feeling that they are your seedlings and it is your responsibility and duty to water and nurture them into full bloom. This feeling is intense.
I spend countless hours thinking and planning out interesting and exciting ways to teach my seedlings. Upon discovery, I rehearse meaningful "hooks." How can I grab them and sustain their interest? Definitely not an easy task!!! When it happens, it's magical. When I've miscalculated it's okay, too. See, my seedlings understand that I always give it my best, and I don't always get it right. They know this is what I expect from them. This mutual understanding works very well. Someone once said, "There's no need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections." It's okay to say, "oops, that didn't work!"
I urge anyone reading this to feel the ease I do, knowing we are by no means perfect. We are merely hardworking people trying to make a difference. Mistakes, imperfections, the not so perfect lesson, make me who I am today. And, I'm pretty sure that is acceptable to my perfect seedlings!
This is why you're the best mom and person <3 i love you!!!! Why did you post so early!?!?!?