Friday, December 11, 2015


Self reflection is an amazing thing. It forces us to stop and think. It forces us to stop and consider all that has occurred in the fast moving, whirlwind, we call LIFE. This life is funny, you know. When you least expect it, something wonderful happens, and when you're not looking, life changes. That has happened many times as I reflect back on 2015. As a parent, I've watched my 4 children face and conquer difficult trials and tribulations. I've watched as they reached new heights. I've heard them say, "hey world, this is me, take it or leave it!!!" Wow! As a parent all we want is for our children to be happy. I can safely say, for the most part, mine are.  As a wife, I grow and learn each day. My relationship with my husband is bubbling over with love and respect; it brings me to tears every single day. I pray that my children see what true love is and that they too can find it some day. I often wonder how I got so lucky in life. Somehow the moon and the stars were perfectly aligned and some higher power knew exactly what they were doing. It's not always easy, though. To be honest, easy would be boring. Easy would stunt growth and learning. So, I'm okay with the occasional struggle. As a teacher, I am truly satisfied. You could say that it's my calling in life. I still get jazzed about going to work after 25 years of teaching! I love the look on my student's faces when I introduce something new, or when I challenge their minds. I love overhearing their conversations and when they look up at me, with their curious eyes. They make me smile. Although it's not always perfume and roses, and there are those tough days, it's still good stuff.  You see, I've learned first hand, that when one is truly happy, it filters into all we do. That's why being happy is just so darned important!

So, as I reflect back on my 2015, I just smile. It's been gritty, it's been gruff, it's been shitty and it's been tough. But, 2015, I wouldn't trade ya' for anything! Thank you to my 3 J's & an A, my beloved GMB and my 3rd grade jewels.....2015 has been a trip!

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